Friday, 14 October 2011

slaves to our pets

The cats have decided they don't like their food.  A couple of nights ago they refused to eat the half tin I'd put down for them, and the Systems Administrator was convinced that it was off.  Cats are very good at detecting tins that are dodgy, and there was a time when I dished out one that smelt fine to me (well, it smelt of cat food, but in a normal way, cat food never smells that good) and they all refused to touch it.  Half an hour it stank, and I realised that they had sussed that it was off as soon as it was opened.  We left the recent possibly off tin down for them, on the grounds that if it was OK they would eat it in the night when they got hungry, and if it wasn't OK they would know not to eat it, and gave them some biscuits as well.  The next morning they had licked the jelly off the chunks, but as all five looked fit and healthy it couldn't have been off.  Then I looked at the tin and saw that it was haddock flavour.  They got funny about haddock once before, so before going out for the day I left the Systems Administrator a note explaining that the tin was not off but haddock, and we had better get some non fish flavoured packs.

Two packs of tins that were meat, not fish, and a different brand were duly bought, and this morning I spooned out some beef in jelly.  Now they don't like beef either, and I'm beginning to run out of ideas, except that once the weather gets colder they will be hungrier and less fussy.  The S.A. suffers more than me in the feline diners' strike, getting punched by the fat tabby if she doesn't like her breakfast.  I'm still getting a chirp and a hop, though that may not last.

Now (5.23pm) the S.A. is sitting in the front garden, dressed in a fleece and thermal leggings, armed with a pair of binoculars to watch passing birds and aeroplanes, supervising chicken exercise time and trying valiantly to look as though it is fun and not freezing cold.  Sometimes I think our pets are spoiled.

Black and White Alsatian Killer Cat has spent the day curled up among the hybrid teas.  I greet him 'Hello Arnie' when I go past, but he just looks at me.

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